Tuesday, July 21, 2015


What a great session tonight. The displayed level of control surpassed all previous sessions.

I ran this session slightly differently. The first thing different was a consistent clutch up using a modified yut ughh. Tonight, rather than a short yut with a longer ughh up to near the balance point, I held the clutch in fractionally longer. That made more of a YYUUTT and a brief ughh. Much better. That gets the front end up closer to balance point every time (which is one of the secrets I learned a long time ago with bicycles; doing that on a motorcycle takes bigger balls).

The second insight I put to use was to not rush around the compound, wearing myself out in the process. Instead of racing up the hill and racing down it, tearing around at speeds approaching 60 mph at times, I took my time... much like the early 1000 Wheelies Project sessions. I'd pull a wheelie, then just roll, jump, and slide around to the launch zone again. That works well in order to conserve energy.

Counter: 225

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