Monday, November 30, 2015


Wet with only a slight drizzle. Leathers.  40 degrees Fahrenheit -- feels like summer compared to the foggy 32 last night. 

Wheelies are awesome. Pulled some real Over The Balance Point ones tonight. 

Counter: 910

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Fog 32

Freezing temperature. Ice cold hands (need to install grip warmers and Moose winter hand guard covers). Low visibility, fogging spectacles, fogged up shield inside and out.

It was not easy. I have goals. I am working on them. No excuses. 

Counter: 900

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving Session

With a break from the usual life grind, this Thanksgiving brought the first real-deal over-the-balance-point-on-a-motorcycle wheelie session for me. It's been a long road. And now I love every second of those sessions. I give thanks to the space in my life that is filled with wheelies and all the circumstances given that make that possible.

Counter: 890

Friday, November 20, 2015

37 Degrees

37 degrees F. Stadium lot packed, unusable; church lot used -- lots of darkness and fallen tree detritus made for fun. Just fun, fun, fun.

Counter: 875

Thursday, November 19, 2015


A guy takes a week off, pulls a whoolie session, and feels rusty. That's just how it goes sometimes. That's part of the quest for the ultra wheelie.

Counter: 865

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Another great feeling is to ride along the top of a parking lot curb stop to pop a wheelie off the end after a good suspension compress.

OMG. Yes!

Counter: 850

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


With high humidity, low temperatures, darkness, wind, and wet conditions, I find myself at the mercy of the world. 

But it doesn't stop me. 

The cure is to cast aside exhaustion, drap oneself from head to toe in leather, and don an open-face Captain America helmet. 

And ride big wheelies. 

Counter: 835

Monday, November 9, 2015

Beef Jerky

Yesterday was a day in the woods on the WR250F. Tonight was a parking lot wheelie session on the WR250R. It's nice how both bikes complement each other while being nowhere near the same.

Even after being accustomed to the F model, getting back on the R felt completely normal and natural. Because it is completely normal and natural. 

And the wheelies were ab fab. 

Counter: 825

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Autumn Awesome

Pitch black. Wet. Open face Captain America helmet. Black leather jacket. Black leather pants. Perfect. Just another night in the saddle with the headlight aimed towards the heavens.

Counter: 815